• It’s a crappy crappy time

    First, thank you for reading my blog. Sorry to those I ghosted after my last post. You commented but I didn’t respond. What can I say? Life happens and it’s…

  • April Fool’s Girl

    This was supposed to be an April fools day post, but my day and night got twisted so I missed my chance. But I really want to share this poem,…

  • You First. Others comes next.

    I hit rock bottom yesterday… it’s probably one of those Sunday blues things. I snapped at my husband and disappointed my son—who wanted to spend family time outside. I could…

  • 7 reasons I’m rebranding my blog

    If you’re a returning reader and are wondering if you’re in the right blog, then you probably are. This is Jessica E. Larsen’s blog, also known as Jessie Winterspring. If…

  • An abandon cat adopted me!

    I know it’s September, but meet August. Until 3 days ago (Sept. 7) this young cat lived in the street. He came strolling through my door when I was at…

  • Hell, poem and goodbye

    This is it. Another month getting off 2022. This summer has been tough for me. I went through some kind of mental shock late July until mid-August because I never…

  • Me Monday, music & more

    jessie winterspring landing

    It’s hard to establish a new identity, but it’s also difficult to say goodbye to the old one. So I kept both and for a while I almost tore myself…

  • Waiting for a Star to Fall

    I don’t know about you, but when nostalgia hits me, it’s always accompanied by a bittersweet feeling. Waiting for a Star to Fall, a song by Boy Meets Girl, captures…

  • Hello New Year, restart and restore

    We’re in the year and right now, I really feel that either I’m thinking too hard or nothing at all because it hurts to think of anything. How’s your first…