• Muddle up…

    You know that feeling of wanting to do something but you can’t seem to bring yourself to do so? I’m there at the moment. I wish to be active again…

  • Writing and reading

    “Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: They feed the soul. When writers make us shake our heads with…

  • Have you noticed?

    February and March

    I don’t study calendars much but have you notice how alike February and March is this year? So here’s something to think about. February 01 starts at Monday (today) and…

  • Break over!

    Blogging? Ha! I haven’t done it in a while… 😒 But now, I’ll get back again without pressure. I’ll do my best to drop by and read blogs every day…

  • I burned out

    The time has come to say goodbye. Wait, don’t wave at me yet, it’s a joke! I’m just a bit overwhelmed with life at the moment. I can’t seem find…

  • The first man I idolized

    Growing up, the man who inspired me the most was Ernie Baron, a man known as “Ka Ernie” (Ka for Kapatid. Kapatid meaning brother/sister (depending on the gender of the…

  • Micro Moments: Timeless


    I’ve never heard what angels sound like, but if I’m to explain it, the girl that sings with such a soothing voice sounds just like one. Her soft and fluid…

  • Brunch lover

    I’m not a kitchen person, despite how my husband seems to embarrassingly brag my cooking to anyone he meets. Damn, that mouth needs a zipper. Certified Idiot’s (excuse me, that’s…

  • Broken self-promise

    Do you have a new year resolution? Are you following it up? Mine sucks! I’m not sleeping the way I wish and blogging everyday annoy me! I have a hard…

  • Silent Series #1

    Silent series #1

    Burning horizon 😉 Like my post? Follow my blog Follow Jessica E. Larsen on WordPress.com or like my Facebook page. HUGS!