Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books

  • It’s a crappy crappy time

    First, thank you for reading my blog. Sorry to those I ghosted after my last post. You commented but I didn’t respond. What can I say? Life happens and it’s…

  • April Fool’s Girl

    This was supposed to be an April fools day post, but my day and night got twisted so I missed my chance. But I really want to share this poem,…

  • You First. Others comes next.

    I hit rock bottom yesterday… it’s probably one of those Sunday blues things. I snapped at my husband and disappointed my son—who wanted to spend family time outside. I could…

  • An abandon cat adopted me!

    I know it’s September, but meet August. Until 3 days ago (Sept. 7) this young cat lived in the street. He came strolling through my door when I was at…

  • Hell, poem and goodbye

    This is it. Another month getting off 2022. This summer has been tough for me. I went through some kind of mental shock late July until mid-August because I never…

  • Me Monday, music & more

    jessie winterspring landing

    It’s hard to establish a new identity, but it’s also difficult to say goodbye to the old one. So I kept both and for a while I almost tore myself…

  • Waiting for a Star to Fall

    I don’t know about you, but when nostalgia hits me, it’s always accompanied by a bittersweet feeling. Waiting for a Star to Fall, a song by Boy Meets Girl, captures…

  • Hello New Year, restart and restore

    We’re in the year and right now, I really feel that either I’m thinking too hard or nothing at all because it hurts to think of anything. How’s your first…

  • Celebrating 20 years!

    I’ve never been impressed with church weddings. My dream back when I started thinking about love was a garden wedding. I won’t be wearing a white gown with a veil…