• Me Monday, music & more

    jessie winterspring landing

    It’s hard to establish a new identity, but it’s also difficult to say goodbye to the old one. So I kept both and for a while I almost tore myself…

  • Waiting for a Star to Fall

    I don’t know about you, but when nostalgia hits me, it’s always accompanied by a bittersweet feeling. Waiting for a Star to Fall, a song by Boy Meets Girl, captures…

  • Just a dream

    I guess I’m more affected than I dare to admit. The last few months I’ve been seeing all these horrible videos of Asian people getting harassed in public, hashtags that…

  • Women’s day

    I got nothing much to say about this day, and I’m sure there are so many posts was written about this anyway, so I’ll stick to my usual post with…

  • Have you noticed?

    February and March

    I don’t study calendars much but have you notice how alike February and March is this year? So here’s something to think about. February 01 starts at Monday (today) and…

  • Brunch lover

    I’m not a kitchen person, despite how my husband seems to embarrassingly brag my cooking to anyone he meets. Damn, that mouth needs a zipper. Certified Idiot’s (excuse me, that’s…

  • Broken self-promise

    Do you have a new year resolution? Are you following it up? Mine sucks! I’m not sleeping the way I wish and blogging everyday annoy me! I have a hard…

  • 9 to 5 Morning Train

    Oh my gosh, the singer looks like a doll! Love her blue outfit, but more than anything I’ve been in love with her voice since I was a baby. Now…

  • And so November ends

    Unlike the main character of my book. We can’t go back in time. Even though I want to brag about finishing a novel in one month, I only manage to…

  • When love walked in

    For the first time, I decided to collect a Youtube playlist for a novel I’m currently writing “In Another Time” And one of these songs was Love Walked In by…

  • Hopeful not hopeless

     … You should change from a “hopeless romantic” to hopeful romantic.  That’s what Buddy71 from Hummings told me in one of Steve’s blog post. This send me to out of…

  • Damn you Lucille! 😡

    I seemed to be attacking annoying woman a lot through songs lately, but I can’t help it. Women isn’t always the victim, and Kenny’s soulful voice perfectly portrait it in…