Blogging,  Vblog

Hello New Year, restart and restore

We’re in the year and right now, I really feel that either I’m thinking too hard or nothing at all because it hurts to think of anything. How’s your first day of the year?

I plan to return to blogging (again) but I will take it slow. I won’t post every day (or every second. This is reserved for Instagram.) I might post every second week, but I will try to actively read blogs a little every, because, sigh, I miss the blogosphere community.

Happy New Year!

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Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


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