dying inside
Poem / Poetry

I’m Dying

Sorry everyone, as much as I want to roaming around and stalking your blog, I’ve been feeling a bit down lately, I’m better now, but depression made me churn this poem:

Torn between two choices
I’m hesitant to choose
The one that promised the best
Is something I know, I’ll hate

My brain is telling me go
But my heart saying no
I’m stuck in a whirlwind
And I’m dying inside.

Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


  • Tushara Olivia

    Oh it’s too sad to hear it. Your photos are that vibrant with your smile. I couldn’t imagine you depressed & sad. Is it that you are struck with depression frequently? Or is it you are in such a situation that you want treatment to overcome such situations? Anyways beautiful poem, really marvellous.😃😃👍 Hope you are alright 😘

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Thanks Olivia. Depression is a reoccurring thing to me. But this poem is about unable to make a choice and the thought of choosing was killing me. However, I do feel better now that I have the solution, and it’s partly because of the advice I received here. That why I made the “This for you” poem haha 😀

  • PePa. The Sketches of Life

    Don’t die inside,don’t let it get the best of you.Whatever it is,you shall find your path,and in it hence,realise you have a better version of you,not far withdrawn from you,but right within your grip;if only you can trust,only you can hold,then you won’t even you alone be able to lose you.

    Cheer up Larsen.You are loved beyond borders.

  • Winnie

    I hope you’re okay, dear Jess! You can pm in Fb anytime you feel down. It is open always. Sometimes, you need someone to cheer you up. Lovely poem, by the way.

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Thank you so much Weng! ❤️ I might take you up on that offer in the future. Just your words alone here cheered me more.
      I’m better now, just dealing with the after effect 🙂

  • Simon Nisha

    But why does it come on depression tag? Was it so stressful to choose which side 🤔. Coming to post, Its so hard to suggest someone which side is best , Ill leave that job with your heart. Do it what it says , Do what will bring joy to your heart😉✨Stay Positive✨
    A poem that put me in a state of “what?”
    Well written ✨👏

  • davidjhopcroft

    When the brain takes on the heart what is often needed is just the space to be able to think. Sometimes the brain becomes re-tuned to the heart, sometimes the other way around. I am sure you will figure out what to do Jessica 🙂 🙂

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      I guess, experience do make a man wiser. I love your wise and gentle words. I calm me a lot. Thank you for your wonderful advice David.

  • Samyak Singh

    You know whenever I dig into your site. It’s like a little home here. Everything so sorted that it seems how controlled you are with your love of writing. It’s amazing Jessica!❣️
    Keep the spirits high and inspire us with your words! It doesn’t make you weak to pen down your feelings here!
    Much love and bliss to my favourite!😃

  • Huguette

    you must find a balance between your brain and your heart especially if your heart is stupid, keep your brain with you 😀 how can you hate something that promised the best? usually we seek the comfort even at the price of happiness and this is very bad and very dangerous, don’t do that..

    • Jessica E. Larsen

      Hah, I love you Hug. I really do. You’re like a friend who will give a whack in the head when I need it most. I feel like crying just reading your comment. You’re right. I really have to think hard about this.

  • lynyo

    Querida! No matter how down you feel, you just find the way to kraft some beautiful lines here and no matter if it’s heart or mind, true or lie you will endurance this path

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