Blogging,  musing

Stop reading what you hate!


I will be blogging a lot of book reviews and bookish stuff if I let myself go crazy, but I know that this will also drive some of my blog readers – who isn’t into books- insane so I try to refrain myself.

My kindle is full of ebooks, I’m currently reading two paperbacks, three ebooks and I’m also following serialized more than a dozen manga and web novels.

In this web serial stories, I also like reading and replying to comments just like here in the blogs and what annoy me the most are idiot readers.

Before I start I just want to say, I’m straight and only had a crush on a girl once or twice. But I like reading soft and sweet stories that include gay and lesbians. And I know that this isn’t for everyone. But don’t you agree that it’s stupid to find comments like “What’s up with this gay shit” or “Ugh, I lost my mood because of this lesbian crap” etc. etc. many chapters later? Especially when the story was clearly tagged with the LGBT genre?

I hope web readers could stop ruining others mood with stupid comments. It’s fine to comment on how good or bad the story is. But the genre? Come on!

Jessica / Jessie Winterspring is a time travel romance fanatic who loves writing fiction about ordinary people with extraordinary experiences. She blogs music inspired stories, poems, micro-fictions, moments in life. She enjoy spending time outdoors, adore animals and traveling with her family. She like anything unusual and fun. CLICK HERE to read more about her or CLICK HERE to view her books


    • Jessica E. Larsen

      I’m doing fine Nour 💗 and you’re not the only one. I’ve been missing a lot lately too… little time and too many things to do … sigh

    • Jessica

      Agree. Everyone should have the right to live the way they want as long as they don’t anyone.
      My rant here, however, isn’t to depend the LGBT rights or anything because I’m sure they are very capable of doing that. My issues are really just readers. I can understand them complaining in the comment of the first chapter that they hate LGBT romance, but it’s plain bullshit complaining it after many chapters later.

  • davidjhopcroft

    I laughed about the LGBT comments. Heck, with my writing, as you know Jess, give me a social taboo and that is an invite for me to write a poem about breaking a taboo, and I’ve covered most of the LGBT field over the years 🙂 In reality though I seriously think other taboos cause more issues, but we are not ready to challenge as we should.

    • Jessica

      I think I’m lack taboo because I can accept and talk about almost anything and I see nothing unnatural with your writing. They’re special. But I can see where you are coming from.

  • Huguette

    Hello Jess and hope you had a nice weekend 🙂 I wish I can have this enthusiasm to read! I do struggle so much to read and this is not good at all :/
    Regarding this subject, it’s like all other disrespect and phobias we face in this society! Probably the gays subject more than others…I don’t know why someone would be bothered about a person’s sexual or love orientation, why people care? They don’t need to love it but they can at least not bully and hurt! Who’s forcing them to read? I believe that all these people that show hate and aggressive attitude are probably fighting their true identity which is really sad…because if no one is hurting you or bothering you, why would you care? Why would you hate and be hostile? Anyway, I want to say more but I’ll stop here and for me anyway even categorizing people shouldn’t exist! Straight, gay, bisexual…Why should I be labeled? I can simply say “Interested” “Not interested” when someone approaches me…This is how I see it, because sometimes we think we’re gay or bisexual then we discover there’s another name of our case….(Like the example you gave, you had a crush once or twice on a girl, so doesn’t mean you’re gay or even bisexual…) And some people get married and have kids and later on they have feelings to someone from same gender and discover their identities…I think people should focus on important things like famine, wars, social and economic issues, child abuse, women rights and violence, poverty….Child and women…trafficking etc….how to make this world better instead of worrying of the people sex preferences!
    This is how I see it, and my personal opinion
    Have a great day! 🙂

  • Simon Nisha

    Well said Jessica 👏 Im straight too, But this stupid comments, Seriously? Can’t beleive these type of people. Why don’t they first read the genre i think most. For kind of us interested to read any genre just ignore these stupid readers. Read what you like, forget these comments.

    • Jessica

      Thanks, Simon. Exactly my point. Instead of complaining that they wind up on the wrong category, they should read the genre before reading. I don’t mind them (usually). I guess years of small annoyance built up haha 😀

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